Vilnius - Šventoji

Bus from Vilnius to Šventoji departing at 7.00am. * from:

  • „Spaudos rūmai“
  •   Gariūnai
  •   Grigiškės.

Trip price - 12€.

*- the time of dispatch is indicated approximately.

Less than a day before your travel, online registration is not possible, you can register by calling the above-mentioned phones.

In the evening, we send SMS with information, so in the morning arriving at a specified place you will know exactly what kind of transportation you need and what bus you need. Save the SMS message with the information received in your phone until the end of the trip. A big request to respond to the received message and confirm receipt of it.

To register for a trip online fill in the fields below:

>5 Registration by phone only
Successfully registered.